CHX-F series resonant equipment with variable frequency is applied to onsite AC withstand test for large capacitive and high voltage test objects. Compared to the traditional clumsy and heavy test system, CHX-F series resonant equipment is more compact and less-weight. Necessary components include variable frequency power supply, excitation transformer, HV test reactor and capacitive voltage divider. Other components, such as isolation transformer, HV damping protection inductance (for GIS), compensating capacitor and peak voltmeter are optional.
Principle diagram of resonant test system ( GIS/GIL)

1. Variable frequency power supply
2. Excitation transformer
3. HV test reactor
4. Capacitive voltage divider
5. Damping protection inductance
6. Test and control computer
7. Control panel of variable frequency power supply
8. Emergency stop control box
9. Ultra high frequency/ultrasonic PD detector
10. ----- cable
Communication fiber/measuring signal wire